¿How to export tequila?

The international tequila market is booming

The international tequila market is booming and represents a great opportunity for Mexican producers. However, exporting tequila is not an easy task and requires knowledge of various legal, logistical and commercial aspects.

In this blog, we offer you a guide to the most important points to consider so that your export tequila reaches the most demanding markets in the world.

1. Regulations for exporting tequila

¿How to import my product in Mexico if I don't have the registration to import?

¿Quieres importar tu producto en México, pero no cuentas con el registro de padrón de importadores? ¿Desconoces el proceso administrativo, fiscal y aduanal de este país?

Many companies have found the answers to these questions by hiring an Importer of record 

But... What is an Importer of Record?

The IOR is a company registered with the Tax ID of Administration Service (SAT), which also has the register of importers (authorization to import), in addition the specific sector register according to the product to be imported.

How do I know that I should hire the services of an Importer of Record?

What to consider to avoid import errors?

Problemas en las importaciones

It is common that companies that make international purchases for the first time do not make this prior preparation with due caution and as a consequence fall into a series of errors when importing their products, which leads to serious repercussions.

In this sense, imports should be treated as logistics operations that require a high level of research and planning due to the complexity of this activity.