¿How to import my product in Mexico if I don't have the registration to import?

Many companies have found the answers to these questions by hiring an Importer of record
But... What is an Importer of Record?
The IOR is a company registered with the Tax ID of Administration Service (SAT), which also has the register of importers (authorization to import), in addition the specific sector register according to the product to be imported.
How do I know that I should hire the services of an Importer of Record?
- If you do not have the authorization by SAT to import your product or requires the specific sector registry, this is an essential requirement to be able to import into Mexico.
- If you require a Mexican electronic invoice for the imported products, which covers the national sale of the imported product.
- If your purpose is to optimize resources and reduce times in your customs logistics, since IOR will take care of all the procedures and payments before customs authorities, IOR will carry out the comprehensive logistics for you.
- If you are not a constant importer, it will be more efficient for you to make your international purchase in one go through a company that is an expert on it.
- If you already have the general importer of record , but some of your merchandise requires compliance with the specific sectoral registry of importers for which you are not registered for importation, as steel, textil, alcoholic beverarges and footweare.
Despite this, you are not sure that you require the services of an Importer of record because you do not know what is the the process through the IOR, check out what IOR could do for you:
- Locate the supplier and the merchandise abroad, which in some cases you can already count on.
- Verify prices negotiated on the invoice and make an approximate quote of expenses and taxes to evaluate the purchase and sale of the merchandise.
- Receive the financial resources, with them carry out payment of the merchandise to the foreign supplier.
- The supplier issues the documentation to Importer of record name, necessary for the import.
- IOR coordinates door-to-door logistics, and provides for compliance with regulations prior to arrival at the port or Mexican border.
- IOR receives financial resources to cover expenses and customs taxes .
- Coordinates import logistics from customs clearance to delivery at final destination.
- IOR will issue a Mexican electronic invoice covering the imported merchandise, which includes the value of prodcuts, expenses and taxes generated during customs clearance.
In summary, hiring the services of an Importer of record company provides many benefits, since it speeds up the import process to Mexico, economizes on the customs operation, anticipating compliance with regulations before the Mexican authorities that may delay the import process, thus avoiding unnecessary expenses, this in turn reduces time and increases the competitiveness and productivity of your company.